Embark on a sonic journey with Duochrome, a dynamic fusion of seasoned horn virtuosos Jared Sims and Brian Thomas, alongside a powerhouse ensemble of musical maestros. This powerhouse collective, including the talents of Amy Bellamy on keyboards, Nate Edgar on bass, Peter MacLean on drums, and Steve Fell on guitar, converges to create an electrifying fusion of soul, jazz, and funk.

Born from a day-long collaboration at Iron Wax Studios in picturesque Western Massachusetts, Duochrome’s debut album "Sky View" is a testament to their unparalleled chemistry and musical prowess. Produced under the expert guidance of Alan Evans, each track pulsates with soulful energy and irresistible grooves that pay homage to legends like The Crusaders and The JB’s, while seamlessly incorporating contemporary influences from The Greyboy Allstars and John Scofield.

Duochrome's pedigree is undeniable, having shared stages with icons such as Soulive, Lettuce, Maceo Parker, and Chaka Khan, solidifying their status as a force to be reckoned with in the live music scene.

Now, Duochrome invites you to experience their groundbreaking sound. Whether you're a dedicated jazz enthusiast or a casual music lover, Duochrome promises an unforgettable performance that will leave you craving more. Don't miss your chance to witness the birth of a new musical phenomenon – book Duochrome for your next event and elevate your entertainment to new heights. "Sky View" is out now on Vintage League Music – available on all major streaming platforms!